
Showing posts from December, 2009

Underwhelmed by Tiger's Tale

When I was in college, I was introduced to a word that I felt pretty much sums up my feelings about this whole Tiger Woods debacle. The word is: underwhelmed. Now, let me tell you where I stand. I've never been particularly interested in what Tiger does on or off the golf course. There's no denying that he's pretty good at what he does. He's been able to train his body and mind to consistently perform well on the golf course time after time and in the face of pressure. However, that's only a small percentage of his life. What about when he's not golfing? How consistently does he perform in the areas that really matter? Like at home, at the store, when he's on vacation? From what I've read of his character defining traits like his language, how he treats others, his social interactivity and his relationship with his wife, frankly I'm underwhelmed. It appears that he's just like any other guy who takes himself too seriously. Lest I come across as b